I am a multidisciplinary designer based in New Orleans.
I spend my time thinking about how visuals are the most powerful language to communicate with people from all walks of life.
Largely, my work explores how humans interact with immersive experiences. I developed a love for studying experiential design at the Kansas City Art Institute, where I earned my bachelor’s degrees in Graphic Design and Art History.
I’m currently a Senior Graphic Designer at the experiential design agency, ADVOC8, and Creative Director of the literary nonprofit, LMNL Arts.
Storytelling drives everything that I make. Relentless curiosity sparks my passion to build brand experiences that are always led by profound stories. My projects vary in scale, medium, and message, but always strive to engage, inform, surprise, and delight audiences.
Let’s keep in touch!
︎ Resume
︎ torigreendesign@gmail.com
︎︎︎Digital Design
︎︎︎Experiential Design
︎︎︎Image Editing
︎︎︎Merch Design
︎︎︎Packaging Design
︎︎︎Print Design
︎︎︎Publication Design
︎︎︎3D Design
Client List
︎︎︎Ad Hoc
︎︎︎California Department of Public Health
︎︎︎Elm Street Technology
All Rights Reserved
Tori Green Design
New Orleans, LA
Website last updated January 2024
New Orleans, LA
Website last updated January 2024